

Ready for a week full of sharing fitness with your friends & family?

We welcome all fitness levels to attend as many classes as they want!



CrossFit Nashua

106 Perimeter Rd,

Nashua, NH 03063


You’re invited for a week of classes that will change how you think about exercise. No matter what level or experience, all are welcome at this event.

You might be nervous, and that’s normal. You will see movements you have never done before, people doing many different variations of a workout, and lots of cheering and fist bumps at the end.

But this is just the start of your exciting CrossFit journey. You will meet a new community of people all rooting for you to achieve your fitness goals, and with time, you will start to see just how strong your body can be.

What to bring:


-Workout clothes

-Relatively flat gym shoes

Typical class structure:

Classes are one-hour in length, we begin with a general warm-up to get you moving and break the ice, then we gather at the whiteboard and the coach goes over the plan for the day. Don’t worry if you don’t understand the movements listed on the board. Our coaches will walk you through the movements after the whiteboard brief.
We'll continue with a more specific warm up for the workout. We then will have skill practice, a strength piece or go into the WOD (Workout Of the Day). When everyone is set up for the workout our coach will start the clock and everyone will begin the WOD together.
After everyone is done with the workout, there are some fist-bumps and high-fives while we wipe down and clean up equipment. The coach asks for everyone's scores to write up on the white board, tracking your scores is a great tool to see progress. We'll stretch out together to finish up class.

CrossFit is hard. We aren’t going to sugarcoat it. But that’s what makes it so empowering. You will soon be able to do things you never thought you could do before. You will be able to flip onto your hands into a handstand, climb a rope, or even get your first pull-up one day.

But it doesn’t happen overnight.

Use our Bring A Friend Week to get a taste of CrossFit, learn more about CrossFit Nashua, and have fun!